Wellcome audit of the University: follow-up (non-financial) requirements

The University received a major Institutional Audit by Wellcome earlier this year and the overall result of this was a rating of `Major Improvements Required’. The audit included a significant focus on compliance with Wellcome’s non-financial terms and conditions. The key findings in these areas are:

  • Wellcome considers training in research integrity, EDI, and biosafety to be mandatory for the researchers it funds. The auditors noted that this expectation was not being clearly communicated to researchers and Principal Investigators and that training uptake is not being appropriately monitored. 
  • For allegations of bullying, harassment, abuse and harm, research misconduct or discrimination, Wellcome requires notification of the case at the stage when this proceeds to a formal investigation. The auditors noted that this was not consistently being communicated.

To ensure that the University can improve compliance with these requirements, please note the following actions:

  • Training in research integrity, EDI, bullying and harassment and biosafety is mandatory for all researchers funded by Wellcome. All researchers funded by Wellcome awards need to be aware of and comply with this training requirement. As a general reminder, at Oxford research integrity training is compulsory for all University researchers.  Departments and Principal Investigators are able to track and monitor training undertaken via CoSy (the University’s electronic training and booking recording system) and work is underway to improve systems for reporting on the completion of such training.
  • Wellcome will be notified of allegations of bullying, harassment, abuse and harm, research misconduct or discrimination related to staff funded by Wellcome grants, if these proceed to formal investigation. When this is done, Wellcome will be provided with the name of any individual(s) under investigation on a confidential and need-to-know basis. Heads of department should therefore ensure that their HR Business Partner is notified of any such allegations. HR Business Partners will work with Research Services to keep Wellcome informed as appropriate.

Related to this, Wellcome has recently updated its policy on Bullying, harassment, abuse and harm.  University policies and processes are being updated to ensure compliance with this and further communications about this will follow in January 2024.

This information is also being communicated directly to Principal Investigators of Wellcome grants to the University.

Further questions about the above can be addressed to:

Kathryn Dally, Research Integrity and Policy Lead. Research Services – Kathryn.dally@admin.ox.ac.uk

Ruth Kinahan, HR Policy Manager, University HR - ruth.kinahan@admin.ox.ac.uk

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