Leading in Academic Research Environments

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This innovative programme, funded by Wellcome, offers experienced leaders in research across all academic divisions the opportunity to further develop their leadership influence and impact, and to contribute towards the advancement of our research culture in a tailored, peer environment.

Co-designed by Oxford academics and leadership experts, this pilot programme will welcome participants throughout 2025.  

Programme vision

Investing in Oxford’s people leadership to foster positive, effective, and collaborative research environments in which individuals, partnerships, and research can flourish.

This new programme is targeted to help academics at the forefront of their research field to deepen their leadership practice and to amplify and accelerate their wider contributions to the evolution of our research culture. Patrick Grant, Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research)

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Oxford’s world-renowned research is founded on its inspiring innovative research environments.

Our researcher leaders work across complex, interdisciplinary environments managing people, partnerships and delivering impact, often against a context of high change and uncertainty.

Co-created with and for academics, this tailored and context-specific programme provides participants with the space and resources to:

  • Increase their leadership influence and impact and lead by example
  • Create highly collaborative work relationships and environments
  • Effectively navigate complex and interdisciplinary contexts
  • Reflect on current leadership challenges and opportunities and identify practical and individually tailored solutions

Co-create thriving, inclusive research environments and contribute to the evolution of Oxford’s research culture(s) Leading in Academic Research Environments is delivered in two strands running throughout 2025.

Modular series

Advanced programme

On the modular series, academics will be able to choose from a range of standalone thematic modules delivered either in-person or online in peer participant groups. A booking form will be added to this page and divisions will be notified when the links are live.

On the advanced programme, a select pilot group of academics from across the academic divisions will be invited to participate in scheduled group development and individual coaching sessions over 3 months as a peer cohort.

To October 2024 

November 2024 – January 2025

February 2025

March 2025 onwards

Consultation & planning with stakeholders

Co-creation of programme content and delivery approaches with academics from across the divisions

Programme Pilot with first participant cohort

Programme iterations (modular series and cohorts)

The overall programme shape and principles were informed by consultations with over 80 stakeholders working across Oxford’s research environments and with input from leadership development experts.

During November 2024 a co-design phase will take place with participant representatives from across the University. This will ensure that programme content and delivery is tailored to the research leadership needs of participants, is highly relevant, and context specific.

The programme focuses on practical and context-relevant applications, providing a space for deepening leadership thinking alongside peers from across the divisions. It is designed to be highly applied, emphasising real-world challenges and solutions to enhance participants' leadership impact and influence in a collaborative setting.

The programme is designed for full or associate professors from all academic divisions who are committed to delivering excellence in research leadership, including leading groups, catalysing change, and facilitating careers. It is also for those looking to contribute to the development of an effective, positive, and inclusive research culture within their discipline and across the wider University.

Programme & Delivery Team

  • Jenny Conrads, Programme Director, People and Organisational Development 
  • Susan Mousley, Programme Manager, People and Organisational Development
  • Maddie Welland, Programme Specialist, Medical Sciences Division
  • Katherine Collins, Researcher

Divisional Contacts

  • Mary Muers, Research Culture Facilitator for Medical Sciences Division 
  • Lindsey Spriggs, Research Culture Facilitator for Social Sciences Division
  • Natia Sopromadze, Research Culture Facilitator for Mathematical, Physical & Life Sciences
  • Jenny Winsland, Research Culture Facilitator for Humanities Division
  • Emma Webster, Research Culture Facilitator for Gardens, Libraries & Museum

Advisory Group

  • Chair: Tim Soutphommasane, Chief Diversity Officer
  • Jenny Conrads, Programme Director
  • Justin Hutchence, Researcher Training and Development Manager for Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences Division
  • Karla Miller, Professor of Biomedical Engineering; Associate Head for EDI for Medical Sciences Division
  • Sue Dopson, Professor of Organisational Behaviour, Social Sciences Division
  • Katherine Collins, Researcher, Social Sciences Division
  • Rachel Bray, Researcher Hub Lead, People and Organisational Development

Governance Group

  • Chair and Principal Investigator: Patrick Grant, Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Research
  • Associate Heads of Division: Harish Bhaskaran, Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences; Heather Viles, Social Sciences; Heidi Johansen-Berg, Medical Sciences; Abigail Williams, Humanities

If you would like to find out more or participate in the co-creation sessions or the pilot programme, please contact our Programme Manager susan.mousley@admin.ox.ac.uk

A CoSy booking dashboard will be added to this page in due course. A notification will be sent out via divisional and departmental newsletters when the modules are available to book. Modules will be available both in-person and online. Sessions will take places between July and November 2025.

This project is funded by a Wellcome Institutional Funding for Research Culture grant, 228102/Z/23/Z (March 2024-Feb 2026)

For further information

Contact the Programme Manager- Susan Mousley



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