Online Ethics Application System (Worktribe)
The Online Ethics Application System (Worktribe) is the University's system to support the preparation, submission and review of applications to its institutional research ethics committees.
The process of submitting and reviewing applications using the Online Ethics Application System (Worktribe) applies to applications reviewed by University of Oxford research ethics committees, and does not change the process for NHS Research Ethics Committees or other review bodies.
The digital workflow system offers a user-friendly interface where Researchers and Students can submit information relevant to their planned Research Project. A form is generated in response to initial questions, ensuring that the questions asked are relevant for the project proposed. The system also offers Research Services and Departmental Research Support Administrators a means of capturing, reviewing and processing Ethics Applications in a single space. This is a cloud service provided by Worktribe.
Research ethics:
Ethics approval is needed for all research involving human participants and/or personal data. Researchers requiring University ethics approval for their project are required to prepare and submit an ethics application online via Worktribe Ethics.
The ethics review aspect of the process remains unchanged. Administrators will direct applications to the appropriate departmental or interdivisional ethics committee via the system and co-ordinate committee comments back to the applicant.
The Worktribe ethics application form has been designed to be intuitive and easy to use. Information on how to access and use the system is available in the Worktribe Ethics Applicant User Guide.
Information for committee members and invited reviewers on how to complete a review within the system is available in the Worktribe Ethics Reviewer Guide.