Research Portfolio Committee

Meeting dates, terms of reference and membership

Meeting dates

Meeting date Time
7 December 2023 10.00-12.00

21 February 2024

18 March 2024 10.00-12.00
29 May 2024 10.30-12.30


The Committee shall meet twice per term. Where necessary it may consider time critical items of business by circulation and/or delegate approval to the Chair.

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  1. The Research Portfolio Committee will:
  1. Oversee the development and delivery of a catalogue of digital services relating to research and innovation
  2. Own the research element of the digital strategy on behalf of the RIC and IDC, ensuring it aligns with the University’s aims and objectives
  3. Be responsible for user staff and student engagement in the planning, prioritisation and designing of digital services relating to research and innovation
  4. Ensuring appropriate oversight of service stream planning and delivery, including through a subcommittee structure where appropriate. Initially these subcommittees shall comprise:
    1. Research Computing Subcommittee
    2. Research Data Steering Group
    3. Open Access Steering Group
  5. Ensure, through appropriate engagement with the Digital Design and Governance Unit, that the services in its remit comply with University policies relating to the delivery and use of digital services, including data (e.g. management information) and cybersecurity
  6. Provide regular performance reports to its parent Committees
  7. Co-ordinate the work of and receive reports from groups supporting work within its remit
  8. Review these terms of reference regularly, recommending any changes to IDC and RIC.


  1. Regarding funding and financial management, the Portfolio Committee will:
    1. Contribute to IDC’s financial planning by preparing funding proposals to be fed into central financial planning processes, ensuring that they are aligned with the University’s strategic aims and meet user needs
    2. Working within the envelope allocated to it by IDC, balance financial and resource requirements to produce a prioritised annual plan for recommendation to IDC
    3. Approve business cases for investment in services, referring those which exceed its delegated authority to spend to IDC
    4. Monitor and report on expenditure and performance of the services within its remit.


  1. Regarding reporting and assurance, the Portfolio Committee will:
  1. Report to IDC on a termly basis against a standard dashboard for the top set of services streams
  2. Review lessons-learned/benefits realisation reports and ensure recommendations are implemented
  3. Conduct reviews to ensure services are delivered efficiently and effectively, and identify areas for improvement
  4. Consider the performance of suppliers, and escalate issues to IDC as necessary.
  5. Using an agreed set of key performance indicators, monitor delivery via a standardised dashboard
  6. Consider current skills capability and plans to address any issues
  7. Own a risk register for the services within its remit and provide reports as required.

 The membership of the Committee will be:

1.        Chair: Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research) ex officio: Professor Patrick Grant

2-5.     Four representatives from the Academic Divisions

Humanities: Professor Ros Ballaster
MPLS: Professor Wes Armour                                               
Medical Sciences: Professor Heidi Johansen-Berg
Social Sciences: Professor Bernie Hogan                             

6. A representative of GLAM: Amy Warner-May

7-9. Chairs of groups reporting to the Committee

Research Computing Subcommittee: Professor Brian Marsden

Research Data Steering Group: Professor David De Roure

Open Access Steering Group: Dr Tanita Casci (co-chair)

10-11. Service user representatives

            Academic: Professor Susanna-Assunta Sansone
            Professional Services: Dr Stella Keeble

12.      Representative of Technology Portfolio Committee: Dr Michael Fraser

13.      Executive Director of Research Services ex officio: Dr Stephen Conway

14.      Research Staff representative: TBC

With the approval of the RIC on each occasion, the Committee may co-opt up to two additional members.


Officers in attendance:


Secretary: Dr Sarah Callaghan                                                                                                                                                                                                           

Research Portfolio Lead: Jo Harris

Research Portfolio Programme Manager: TBC

Research Information Lead, Research Services: Dr Eugenio Barrio

IT Services: Rowan Wilson

Representative of the Divisional Heads of Research Support: TBC

Digital Transformation Finance Manager – Research: Joshua Hutchins

Digital Transformation Change Manager: Heidi Hunt (to attend initial meetings)

Information & Digital Committee Secretary: Abigail Cooke (to attend initial meetings)