Flow Cytometry: Analysis and Cell Sorting Jenner Institute

Managed by: NDM - Jenner Institute

The facility provides two main flow cytometer based services: flow sorting and flow analysis. These services are available to all members of Oxford University, other academic institutions, and industry. Training and/or experimental and technical assistance is provided as necessary. On-site data analysis may be performed with FlowJo or FACSDiva.

For cell sorting there is a single high-speed cell-sorter that has a dedicated operator to run the user’s samples. Up to 4 populations can be sorted simultaneously or there is the option to sort into multi-well plates.

For flow analysis there are 3 digital cytometers available for booking. The user has the option of having the samples run for them, in which case they will need to liaise with the facility manager, or they can run their own samples after suitable training. In all cases the user prepares their own samples.


Contact information

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