Oxford Materials Characterisation Service (OMCS)

Managed by: Department of Materials

OMCS offers a comprehensive service for the investigation of materials and materials related problems.

  • OPTICAL MICROSCOPY: Optical and electron microscopes to image and analyse samples providing morphology, micro-analysis and phase determination. 
  • SURFACE ANALYSIS: Surface analysis techniques to investigate the properties of surfaces including elemental composition and chemistry together with depth profiling and imaging capabilities.  
  • X-RAY TECHNIQUES: X-ray techniques to non-destructively investigate the properties of materials, including composition, crystal structure and physical form.
  • MOLECULAR SPECTROSCOPY: The use of the absorption, emission, or scattering of electromagnetic radiation by atoms or molecules to obtain compositional information about the material of interest and to study physical processes.
  • THERMAL ANALYSIS: Instruments available to determine the thermal properties of materials including thermogravimetric, differential scanning calorimetry and microcalorimetry.  
  • PARTICLE SIZE ANALYSIS: A variety of equipment depending on particle size and required analysis.


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