Medical and Life Sciences Translational Fund (MLSTF)

The Medical and Life Sciences Translational Fund (MLSTF) is managed by the MSD Translational Research Office and comprises funding from multiple sources, including the Research Councils, charities and industry partners. It is open to all University of Oxford researchers and provides consolidated, internal, proof of concept funding for early-stage, translational medical and life sciences projects. This fund does not support exploratory basic science.

Projects should aim to provide sufficient preliminary data to establish proof of concept, de-risk early-stage translational research projects, strategic merit in a translational context, or the viability of a translational approach (i.e. to provide confidence in the underlying concept). Following the MLSTF award, projects should subsequently be strong candidates for major external follow-on translational funding, inevitably leading to commercial and/or clinical impact.

For information on the latest call and advice for applicants,

please visit the MLSTF pages of the Translational Research Office website, or contact

Internal funding