The Oxford International Seed Fund intends to disburse a total of £45,000 before July 2020, in grants of between £300 and £5,000.
In exceptional cases the Fund will consider applications for grants of more than £5,000. Applicants who wish to make an application for a grant larger than £5,000 must contact the International Strategy Office to discuss their application with the relevant officer for the region of the world the grant is intended to support activity with before submitting their application.
Typically, Seed Fund grants will cover one of the following:
- the costs of international travel and accommodation for Oxford staff,
- the costs of travel and accommodation for international academics visiting Oxford (the application should be made by the Oxford academic who intends to host the visitor),
- the costs of travel and accommodation for international students completing internships or similar visits to Oxford,
- symposia and similar academic events
Seed Fund grants will not cover any salary payments to either Oxford researchers or visiting academics. They will also not cover any bench fees or similar academic charges, or any costs related to departments’ replacement of the teaching of travelling academics.