The Philip Leverhulme Prize is awarded by the Leverhulme Trust to outstanding early career researchers whose work has had international impact. Up to thirty prizes will be awarded in 2021 across 6 subject areas, including psychology. Please apply as described on this page if you are interested in the psychology subject area only.
In parallel with selection activities for the other subject areas run by the other divisions, the Medical Sciences Division is looking to identify three candidates for the prize in the subject area of psychology. Please note that the Leverhulme Trust supports only ‘investigations of a fundamental nature’, therefore research in disease, illness and disabilities in humans and animals, and research that is intended to inform clinical practice or the development of medical applications, is not eligible.
Each prize is worth £100,000 over 2 to 3 years and may be used for any purpose related to the advancement of the research of the prize winner, including research assistance, teaching replacement, travel and subsistence, consumables, technical support, computer equipment and software, but excluding capital equipment, the winner’s salary or institutional overheads.
To be eligible, applicants must:
- hold a permanent post or long-term fellowship with the University which would extend beyond the end of the prize duration.
- have been awarded their doctoral degree after 17 May 2011
Internal nominations are invited, from which the Medical Sciences Division will select three nominations to go forward to the Leverhulme Trust. Researchers may self-nominate for this prize, but please note you may only do so with the support of your line manager or supervisor and your head of department. Nominations must be submitted via the IRAMS online application system by noon on Friday 19 March 2021.
Departmental approver sign-off must also be provided in IRAMS. To apply, please upload the completed internal nomination form (case for support template) and a CV describing your career history (key publications, awards, grants, prizes, academic activities, memberships, teaching etc) as a single PDF.
Once the successful internal applicants have been notified (on or around 9 April 2021), they must nominate themselves using the Leverhulme Trust’s Grants Management System by 4pm on 17 May 2021. Named referees will have to provide their reference via the online system no later than 1 June 2021. The head of department and an administrative officer will need to approve the nomination in the system.
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