- UKRI has released full details of the outline application process.
- IRAMS: the financial information page in IRAMS has been removed for this scheme (previously this page was included in error). While it will be helpful for lead applicants to discuss project budgets with their hosting departments, budget information should not be submitted to the internal selection panel. Information about the internal selection process can be found below.
UKRI has announced round 2 of the Cross-Research Council Responsive Mode Pilot Scheme. Round 1 of the scheme ran last year.
Projects will be two-year, and the award range will be between £200,000 and £1,200,000. UKRI’s deadline for outline applications will be 19 November 2024.
UKRI will fund, novel, interdisciplinary, cross-council research. Projects where there is a clear “lead” research council, or where the interdisciplinary research outcomes are limited, will not be eligible for this scheme. UKRI defines interdisciplinary research as:
Interdisciplinary research is understood to achieve outcomes (including new approaches) that could not be achieved within the framework of a single discipline. Interdisciplinary research features significant interaction between two or more disciplines and/or moves beyond established disciplinary foundations in applying or integrating research approaches from other disciplines.
Further information can be found on the scheme website.
Oxford can submit a maximum of 20 applications to the scheme, therefore an internal selection process will be run to select the applications that will be put forward. Lead applicants* are invited to complete an Expression of Interest (EoI) form (link below) which must be submitted via IRAMS by 12.00noon on Monday 16 September 2024.
All EoIs will need to have received the express support of a hosting department. EoIs will be assessed by a cross-divisional selection panel.
Please note that UKRI will also require Oxford to collect certain personal data from internal applicants to this scheme. This information will be collected after the internal deadline.
Oxford's internal process is being coordinated by the Strategic Research Development team in Research Services. Please direct any queries to srd.team@admin.ox.ac.uk
*Lead applicants must be affiliated with one of the research institutions submitting an application; they are expected to hold a contract of employment at lecturer level or equivalent that will extend beyond the duration of the grant. Further information regarding Lead applicant eligibility can be found on pages 13 and 14 of the UKRI guidance for applicants and research organisations.
Expression of Interest form: CRCRM Round 2 Oxford EoI form.doc
UKRI webinars: UKRI will hold two webinars to discuss this funding call, on 5 September (10.00am - 11.30am) and on 11 September (2.00pm - 3.30pm). Registration details can be found in the Additional Information section of the scheme website.
Scheme website
UKRI feedback on applications for round 1 of the Scheme
UKRI guidance for applicants and research organisations
Data Privacy notice