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Genome Engineering Oxford (GEO) is a joint venture between the Dunn School of Pathology, DPAG, Biochemistry and Pharmacology. We provide a CRISPR design and testing service for generating experimentally tested vectors. In October 2017, GEO launched the engineered mammalian cell lines program. For this new service, we generate clonal cell lines* containing a mutation of interest (e.g. knock-out, knock-in, SNP, etc.).
Service & Equipment available: CRISPR design, testing and production service, Advice on best strategies for genome engineering in all systems and organisms, Vector design, construction and testing, Generation of custom-made mammalian cell lines harbouring user-defined genomic alterations, such as deletions, insertions and point mutations.
Access to facility: Services are available to all members of Oxford University, but those in DPAG, Biochemistry, Pathology and Pharmacology have preferential access and rates. Potential users should contact Joey Riepsaame to discuss the details of their projects. The CRISPR design, assembly and testing service is normally performed by the facility, but other experiments will be performed either in collaboration with or entirely by users.
Training required/available: No training is required apart from a basic knowledge of the CRISP system and the genomic structure of the genes of interest. Collaborative projects will likely involve training in the design and implementation of genome engineering techniques, and are assessed on an individual basis.