Bruker BioSpin ElexSys E680

Managed by Department of Chemistry
Location INORGANIC CHEMISTRY (168) Oxford Science Area
Facility Centre for Advanced Electron Spin Resonance (CAESR)
Availability Please contact Will Myers to request measurement time on the instruments.
Shareability Y
More information X/W-band pulse/cw spectrometer. At X-band: microwave frequency ~ 10 GHz; temperature 2–300 K; magnetic field 0-1.55 T; and five resonators. (Two CW Resonators; Super High Sensitivity and High Sensitivity Probe Heads and three Pulsed Resonators; 3 mm Split Ring (MS3), 4 mm Dielectric  (MD4) resonator with ENDOR capability and 5 mm Dielectric (MD5) resonator.) At W-band: microwave frequency ~ 94 GHz; temperature 3.8-300 K; magnetic field 0-6 T; the resonator has capability for ENDOR.


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