Olympus ScanR widefield and spinning disk (SD) microscope

Managed by Department of Biochemistry                                                                                                 
Location Biochemistry, Oxford Science Area
Facility Micron Bioimaging Facility
Availability Contact
Shareability Yes
More information Automated widefield & SD microscope capable of high content screening of multicolour fluorescently labelled cell structures and populations. The ScanR system excels in drug discovery applications, including showing the biochemical effects of compounds on the cellular level and drug-induced changes at gene expression levels. Covering a wide range of applications including protein localisation and colocalisation, intracellular transport, automatic FISH analysis and rare event analysis for live cell imaging.


Contact information

For more information, contact:

  • Dr Deirdre Kavanagh - Microscopy Manager
  • Dr Niloufer Irani Deputy - Microscopy Manager
  • Prof Lothar Schermelleh - Academic Director
  • micron@bioch.ox.ac.uk 

