Deltavision OMX SR

Managed by Department of Biochemistry                                                                                             
Location Biochemistry, Oxford Science Area
Facility Micron Bioimaging Facility
Availability Contact
Shareability Yes
More information Structured Illumination Microscopy (SIM) allows the user to observe living and fixed fluorescent samples at resolution greater than a standard fluorescence microscope. Imaging at this resolution can reveal structural organisation inside a cell that can be otherwise masked. Equipped with three cameras the microscope enables true simultaneous imaging of three channels. Modalities available include 2D SIM, 3D SIM, TIRF SIM and ring-TIRF. Three colour simultaneous single particle tracking (SPT) and localisation is also possible using the ring-TIRF configuration. The system is equipped for live cell imaging.


Contact information

For more information, contact:

  • Dr Deirdre Kavanagh - Microscopy Manager
  • Dr Niloufer Irani Deputy - Microscopy Manager
  • Prof Lothar Schermelleh - Academic Director
