Zeiss LSM980 upright with Airyscan 2

Managed by Department of Biochemistry                                                                                         
Location Biochemistry, Oxford Science Area
Facility Micron Bioimaging Facility
Availability Contact
Shareability Yes
More information Multi-channel volumetric imaging of cells and tissues with near super-resolution in Airyscan 2 mode. The microscope is also equipped with dipping objectives for imaging fluorescent cellular structures such as spheroids and organoids. Fluorescence Recovering After Photobleaching (FRAP) and Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) capabilities allow the user to collect information regarding for quantification of molecular dynamics, concentration, and interactions.


Contact information

For more information, contact:

  • Dr Deirdre Kavanagh - Microscopy Manager
  • Dr Niloufer Irani Deputy - Microscopy Manager
  • Prof Lothar Schermelleh - Academic Director
  • micron@bioch.ox.ac.uk 

