Representation and decision-making for fixed-term researchers

Fixed-term researchers are the University’s largest staff group. Their participation in decision-making at all levels is crucial to the health of the institution and to fulfilling Oxford's mission in research, teaching, and societal contributions. The University supports fixed-term researchers to enjoy and be effective in their representative roles, whether in departments or faculties, divisions or on central committees or initiatives.  

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What you need to know and see 

  • Know who your representative is and what they do to ensure your voice is heard
  • understand how you can feed into department or faculty, divisional and University decision-making

What you need do or do differently 

  • Contact your representative, find out what they do and how to put forward your suggestions or questions towards a supportive, inclusive and equitable research environment for you and your colleagues

What you need to know and see 

  • Fixed-term researchers are important contributors to University decision-making

What you need do or do differently 

  • Introduce yourself to the current departmental full-time researcher representative and find out what they do   
  • ensure new fixed-term researchers meet this representative and understand their function
  • Where appropriate, offer fixed-term researchers opportunities to experience or take part in decision-making (e.g. through deputisation)
  • support your fixed-term researchers colleagues to engage in decision-making and representation on areas that are important to them

What you need to know and see 

  • Introduce yourself to your current department or faculty representative and find out how to support them

What you need do or do differently 

  • Ensure that the representative is on the relevant department or faculty committees
  • agree the role of the fixed-term researcher representative with the Head of Department or Faculty, based on a representative role template provided by the Researcher Hub
  • make sure the representative has enough support and budget to do their role properly


Provisional delivery by Trinity term 2023

Read the Concordat Action Plan

Concordat Action Plan


Find out more about the Hub's work

Researcher Hub site

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