UKRI Future Leaders Fellowships (Round 10)

UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) has pre-announced Round 10 of the Future Leaders Fellowships (FLF) Scheme.  The FLF Scheme is a cross-council funding call that supports early career researchers, with outstanding potential, in tackling challenging research and in developing their careers.  

Oxford is able to submit a maximum of ten applications to the Scheme; therefore, the Strategic Research Development team (Research Services) is running an internal coordinated process to select the applications that will be put forward. 

Please note: a key condition of the scheme is that hosting departments and faculties commit to provide an open-ended research position for the FLF, to be taken up during or on completion of the fellowship, in line Oxford’s employment policies.  

Application process

Applicants who wish to be considered for the FLF scheme at Oxford should complete an Expression of Interest (EoI) application form (link below), which must be submitted in time for Oxford’s internal deadline: 12.00 on Wednesday 5 February 2025. All EoIs will require the endorsement of a hosting department or faculty at the University of Oxford.

  • Internal applicants should submit their EoI via IRAMS   
  • External applicants should submit their EoI via email to the to the appropriate academic department or faculty. A list of academic departments and faculties can be found on the Oxford University website

Please be aware that some departments and faculties will have their own selection processes and internal deadlines. Additionally, not all departments and faculties at Oxford are able to support applications to the scheme.  

Therefore, applicants are encouraged to consult with their prospective hosting department or faculty at the earliest opportunity, and before submitting an EoI.

Diversity Data Collection

UKRI requires host institutions to collect diversity data for prospective applicants to provide insights into how the FLF scheme advances equality of opportunity. 

If you would like to participate in the FLF Scheme at Oxford, even if you do not ultimately submit an EoI application, please complete the Oxford FLF Diversity Data Survey, which is accessible via this link (the link is also copied below). Your response will be submitted anonymously and individual responses will not be shared, although aggregate data will be reported to UKRI. Please do not complete the survey more than once. 

If you have queries about the FLF Scheme at Oxford, please contact the Strategic Research Development team at Research Services (

 Expression of Interest application form and guidance  
 IRAMS landing page
 UKRI’s Scheme webpage

Training and guidance
 Oxford Narrative CV guidance  
 Oxford webpage on developing a narrative CV: guidance for researchers

Diversity data collection
 Oxford FLF Diversity data survey 
 Privacy notice for diversity data survey  


Co-ordinated University bids