MS IDREC decision tool – CUREC 2 filter

Are the research participants vulnerable in the context of the research, or classed as people whose ability to give free and informed consent is in question

Examples include (but are not limited to) participants aged 16 or under; participants aged 16 to 18 who can neither be considered competent youths nor recruited under Approved Procedure 25; and adults at risk.



Does your research involve any use of personal data obtained from a third party (ie not the participant) where the participant has not given their permission?



Does your research raise issues relevant to the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act (the Prevent Duty), which seeks to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism?

Please see advice on this on our Best practice guidance webpage.



Does the research involve any alteration of participants’ normal patterns of sleeping, eating, or drinking?



Is there a significant risk that the research will expose participants to visual, auditory, or other environmental stimuli of a level or type that could have short- or long-term harmful physical effects?



Is there a significant risk that the research will induce anxiety, stress or other harmful psychological states in participants that might persist beyond the duration of their involvement in the research?



Does the research involve exposing participants to any other physical or psychological hazard, beyond those of their usual everyday life?



Does the research involve any invasive procedures (class B)?



Does the research involve any of the following?

  • magnetic resonance imaging in the EU outside the terms of CUREC approved procedure 17 for non-invasive magnetic resonance investigations in healthy volunteers
  • transcranial current stimulation outside the terms of CUREC approved procedures 21 and/or 22
  • pain stimulation outside the terms of CUREC approved procedure 19



Will the research elicit information from participants that might render them liable to criminal proceedings (eg information on drug abuse or child abuse)?



Does the research involve the deception of participants?



Will the research require a participant to spend more than 2 hours in any single session on activities designed by the researcher without a break?



Will the research involve a significant risk of any harm of any kind to any participant not covered above?



If none of the above applies, please select 'No'




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