Social Sciences & Humanities Interdivisional Research Ethics Committee (SSH IDREC)

The Social Sciences and Humanities Interdivisional Research Ethics Committee (SSH IDREC) is one of CUREC’s three subcommittees.

The SSH IDREC delegates review of straightforward applications (low risk) to the SSH IDREC Secretariat or ratified departmental research ethics committees (DRECs), where appropriate. This means the full SSH IDREC committee only reviews higher risk applications.

The application forms and information about the application process are available on the SSH IDREC and DREC application process webpage.

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2024-2025 academic year

  • Trinity term 2025: Wednesday 07 May 2025, 11am to 12.30pm (in-person)

2025-2026 academic year

  • Michaelmas term 2025: TBC
  • Hilary term 2026: TBC


The committee is constituted in accordance with the University regulations on CUREC subcommittees (Part 13 of Council Regulations 15 of 2002). These regulations, in conjunction with the SSH IDREC standing orders, detail the remit of the committee, their responsibilities, requirements for quorum, and requirements (for the committee and researchers) for record keeping and audit.



The committee includes members from a range of academic and non-academic disciplines. Some members are internal to the University and have academic positions. Of the academic members, some are 'research active' but others are not currently involved in research with human participants or personal data.

The committee also has external lay members who bring valuable expertise and perspectives from non-academic and non-educational sectors. In this way it is hoped the members together reflect the interests of researchers, participants and third parties. Appointed members serve for four years and are re-eligible. For full details of committee membership requirements, see Part 13.8 of the Council Regulations 15 of 2002.

Please note: any queries about the committee should be sent directly to and not to individual members. 

SSH IDREC membership
  Name Department Conditions of appointment Until start of
[1] Professor Lucie Cluver (Chair) Social Policy and Intervention

Two persons appointed as chair and vice-chair of the subcommittee by the Research and Innovation Committee of Council, ideally one of whom shall not currently be involved in research involving human participants or personal data. One of the persons appointed as chair or vice-chair may be external, but not both.

TT 2026
[2] Vacancy (Vice-Chair)   As above
[3] Mr Neil Williamson External One person, who may be external, appointed by CUREC on the recommendation of the chair of the subcommittee whose primary personal or professional interest is not in research involving human participants or personal data MT 2026
[4] Mr Aidan Vine, QC (Vice-Chair) External One person, who may be external, appointed by CUREC on the recommendation of the chair of the subcommittee whose primary personal or professional interest is not in any particular research area. The Research Council may [...] appoint a second vice-chair of each subcommittee on the recommendation of the chair of CUREC.[...] The second vice-chair may be external. MT 2026
[5] Dr David Humphreys Social Policy and Intervention No fewer than three, and no more than eight, persons, one of whom may be external, appointed by CUREC on the recommendation of the chair of the subcommittee, who have methodological and ethical expertise relevant to the proposals which each subcommittee will be expected to scrutinise MT 2028
[6] Professor Elizabeth Wonnacott Education As above MT 2027
[7] Professor Vili Lehdonvirta Oxford Internet Institute As above MT 2026
[8] Dr Patrick Thomson Geography and the Environment As above MT 2025
[9] Professor Matthew Husband Linguistics, Philology and Phonetics As above TT 2024
[10] Dr Kate Sahan Ethox Centre As above HT 2026
[11] Professor Heather Hamill Sociology As above HT 2027
[12] Professor Clare Harris Anthropology and Museum Ethnography As above MT 2028
Co-opted (The subcommittee may co-opt additional members, who may be internal or external, and who shall hold office for such period as the subcommittee may determine)
[13] Frances Longley External Co-opted MT 2026
[14] Dr Federica Lucivero Ethox Centre Co-opted HT 2027
[15] Dr Carolyn Ten Holter Computer Science Co-opted MT 2027
[16] Professor Pedro Bordalo Said Business School Co-opted

HT 2028


[17] Professor Diego Sanchez-Ancochea International Development Co-opted MT 2028

Secretary: Jennifer Blaikie